When it comes to protecting yourself and your business online, the type of authentication you use for logins, whether for business or for personal use, is vitally important. While many people understand that secure logins are crucial, the differences between the various security measures may be lost on many people.
What’s the best way to verify user identity?
Change your Dropbox password
In 2012, cloud storage firm Dropbox was hacked with over two-thirds of its users’ details dumped all over the internet. While the company initially thought a collection of email addresses was the only thing stolen, it was wrong -- passwords had been compromised as well.
This small business was hacked. Are you next?
When it comes to the online security of their business, many SMB owners consider it an afterthought. They think their business is too small to be of any concern to cyber criminals, and there’s good reason for this mentality. How often are security breaches to SMBs listed in the news? Rarely.