Small business marketing has often been a difficult endeavor for small business owners. Marketing involves a great deal of time, effort, and can require significant financial investment. For a long time, marketing automation was something only enterprise-level businesses and corporations could afford, but with new technology, that’s no longer the case.
How automation helps with SMB marketing
Social media alternatives for business
The use of social media for marketing is practically inescapable at this point. And for good reason: companies gain access to increased visibility, more sales opportunities, and more opportunities to define their brand. But why limit your business to a few of the most well known options? The internet is full of useful social media platforms, and we want to let you know some of our favorites.
Instagram and its corporate benefits
“Double-tapping” is a phrase used to describe the liking of photos on Instagram, as a business you’d want to get as many double-taps as you can, but how? Should you invest in buying followers or start an excavation project in search of the genie lamp your parents buried in the backyard? Before breaking out the shovels, try these recently-announced tools to help make your company’s presence on Instagram a valuable one:
Business profile pages
Previously, it was hard for Instagram users to distinguish an account belonging to a business from one that is dedicated to cats, but with the Business Profile feature, that’s a problem of the past.
Market your business on Facebook for free
Most small and medium sized businesses have a tight marketing budget - especially when it comes to social media. So if you’re looking to get noticed on Facebook, you may be reluctant to spend cash on an ad campaign. Luckily for you, there are several ways you can market your business on Facebook that won’t cost a dime.
10 Tools to help you get ahead in social media
Social media marketing can be time consuming. You may spend hours upon hours trying to get it right and still see little growth in your followers. So what can you do to be more effective and save time in the process? Here are ten tools that can streamline your social media efforts and even offer guidance.
Better understanding social media’s value
Are you confused on just how to measure the value of your company’s social media? Don’t worry about it because you are not alone. While there is a lot of information out there in regards to the subject, it is something that experts still don’t necessarily agree on.
5 tips for YouTube marketing
There’s more to social media marketing than using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. YouTube has rapidly grown from a small video sharing website for amateurs to the largest online video platform in the world. It offers an incredible opportunity for businesses to reach out to their current and potential clients through personalized, engaging videos.